The head of the rock N Roll Marathon series shared an statement across social network with an update on exactly how they’re approaching races in 2021. It wasn’t a specific, conclusive method for guaranteed races. It didn’t include any type of updates or details on marathons or triathlons. however it was remove as well as …
When leaves Attack!
Ahoj! This morning something happened to me on my run that’s never happened before. It’s not a big deal, but after 10 years of running/jogging/slogging it was just random to have a little leaf get stuck under my shoelace. It made me laugh and think, “I’m just glad I didn’t fall today…” (which is what …
The best Pre Run fuel
Hi! Jak to jde? I started my day with the best running fuel = nutella. thank you Santa! Good run, great food, great tunes… Moje nejnovější videa I got A Covid-19 Test Getting a Coronavirus test – exactly how it works, what it feels like, my experience as well as more. I got the conventional …
Zábavná pátek – Watermelon Head
potěšena v pátek! Sportuji nový hledí, který jsem minulý víkend dostal na Ironman TX Expo. Ale opravdu musím sportovat svůj klobouk melounu … (zdroj) Moje nejaktuálnější videa Moje okouzlující manželka na Pysch Ward: Memoir – Recenze knih Moje okouzlující manželka na Pysch Ward: Memoir Mark Lukach Recenze zvukové knihy nejprodávanějšího Memoir vydané 2017. Je to …
5 suggestions to purchase the very best Treadmill for You – Podcast 121
Audio Player 00:00 00:00 00:00 Podcast: Play in new window | Stažení Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS The finest treadmill purchasing guide is about getting the very best treadmill for YOU. Here’s a listing of 5 things to keep in mind when choosing which treadmill to purchase for your home. …
Sunday Power hour
We’re lastly home! Ben drove the very first leg of the trip while I checked out a lot more of Mile Posts. I am in like with this book as well as checked out parts out loud to my motorist when I was especially moved I like one “Post” where Armstrong states you can’t be …
Grilled Cheese as well as some Confessions
I made the very best lunch today! I have been craving grilled cheese as well as lastly had the possibility to make it today. I utilized that new cheese I got yesterday as well as this new quinoa bread… The bread’s description was that it is nutty as well as creamy. Um, it is just …
NatureBox dárková a nová hra
Včera v noci jsem ukázal dům, který měl uvítat Ben s hromadou loupaných cuties (ty malé pomeranče). Rychle jsem se zeptal: „O čem to všechno je?“ Bála se Ben přál si vyrobit nějaký typ hrubého oranžového smoothie (pamatujte si jeho Gatorade i jahodové kombo?! Ne, díky.). O víkendu byl zřejmě unavený a také vytvořil novou …
Nine as well as nine in nine
First, a photo from my drive today… It was absolutely stunning in So Cal ? Last night I was lamenting to Ben (yes, I lament – what, you don’t?) that I, after taking a few days off for my knee’s sake, want to get quicker as well as fitter as well as thinner. I told …
Do I look like Zach Galifianakis or Tori Spelling?
I’m still on the banana diet. Can’t stop. Líbí se mi to. Today is a rest day so I did some abs and then took a walk. Moje nejnovější videa Rekapituje podcast od 6. srpna And here’s a new video with a quick recap of 3 podcasts I listened to yesterday. Podcasts Recapped: The drama …